The focus of our curriculum is on the students and their learning. The focus of any assessment is therefore designed to reinforce student learning and to help teachers pinpoint difficulties so that appropriate action can be taken.
Assessment at Oatley Public School is designed to reflect individual progress and the learning that is taking place. Regular ongoing assessment of each student is a requirement of each teacher. Formal records are kept on student record files. Teachers are responsible for keeping these files up to date with attendance records, test results and other relevant information which is then entered yearly on a school reporting database maintaining an ongoing profile of the student while at Oatley PS.
Teachers use a range of tools to assess student’s learning including:
- Checklists
- Anecdotal records
- Rubrics
- Student reflections
- Observation records
- Standardised tests
- Outcome based assessment tasks
- Rich tasks
Reporting to parents about student progress is an essential component of a teacher’s professional responsibility. The following is an outline for reporting student progress to parents/guardians of Oatley Public School students.
Term 1
Meet the Teacher – beginning of Term 1
Formal Parent/Teacher interview – end of Term 1
Term 2
Formal written (A – E) report to parents
Interviews on request
Term 3
Education Day – a showcase of student work and programs
Term 4
Formal written (A – E) report and to parents
Interviews on request
Each teacher will maintain ongoing assessment of student work throughout the year. Opportunity will be given for teachers and students to reflect on their learning.