The OPS Student Wellbeing Policy works towards creating an environment where all students, staff and community can work together in a safe, harmonious and educationally productive environment. In this environment students are helped to be self- directed, life- long learners who can create a positive future for themselves and the wider community.
OPS sees the Values as being central to developing and supporting our students.
Being consistently honest and trustworthy.
Striving for the highest personal achievement in all aspects of schooling and individual and community action, work and life-long learning.
Having regard for yourself and others, lawful and just authority and diversity within Australian society and accepting the right of others to hold different or opposing views.
Being accountable for your individual and community’s actions towards yourself, others and the environment.
Working together to achieve common goals, providing support to others and engaging in peaceful resolution of conflict.
Being a proactive and productive individual and group member, having pride in and contributing to the social and economic wealth of the community and the nation.
Concern for the wellbeing of yourself and others, demonstrating empathy and acting with compassion.
Being committed to the principles of social justice and opposing prejudice, dishonesty and injustice.
Accepting and promoting the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of being an Australian citizen.