Oatley Public School offers the full primary Australian curriculum in
- English
- Mathematics
- Science and Technology
- History
- Geography
- Creative Arts
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Each curriculum area focuses on: diversity of learners, students with special education needs, gifted and talented students and students with English as an additional language or dialect are all part of the student learning outcomes.
Each syllabus also ensures learning across the curriculum such as
- Cross Curricula priorities: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, Sustainability.
- General capabilities: Critical and creative thinking, ethical understanding, information and communication technology capability, intercultural understanding, Literacy, Numeracy, personal and social capability; and
- Other learning across the curriculum areas: Civics and citizenship, difference and diversity, work and enterprise.
Language study provides students with the opportunity to develop communication skills, learn about languages as systems and explore the relationship between language and culture. Students engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of societies and reflect on their understanding of social interactions. In NSW primary schools, the study of a language is optional.
At Oatley Public School, Italian is taught throughout the school. The program is provided by the school’s staffing entitlement. Kindergarten to Year 6 have lessons for one hour each week. This Language Other Than English program is a valuable opportunity for your child.
The school has a Librarian where book borrowing, library information skills and Internet access are taught for an hour per week.
Student borrowing is an important part of the program. If possible students should have a cloth library bag or at the least a plastic bag, clearly labelled with child’s name to carry their library books.
English as an additional language or dialect
On enrolment specific information is gathered about your Language background other than English and if you child speaks a first language other than English.
Oatley Public School is committed to quality teaching using higher order thinking skills to create and learn while accessing Information Communication Technology (ICT). Oatley Public School is well resourced with current technology and equipment.
ICT is integrated throughout the whole school curriculum and teachers’ access technology through the use of the Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) in every classroom and Air Server to wirelessly link iPads to the IWBs. We also have interconnected classrooms up and running to allow us to communicate through the video conferencing abilities.
One of the most important skills for the students to acquire is to learn how to be safe and “cybersmart” on the internet. We teach students to explore safely and to think before they click. There are interactive activities that the students participate in to help them to understand the dangers of growing cyber technology and how to use it for educational and personal benefit.
All students abide by the department and school internet policies and respect the rights and privacy of others. Students have their personal logon from Kindergarten that they use to access the school’s intranet and the internet. They enter a username and password to access the internet and enter the department portal. This allows access to their school email. Students can access their email from home.