Oatley Public School

Every child a success

Telephone02 9580 5519


Sponsorship and Commission

Oatley Public School is sponsored by a few organisations, individuals, businesses and other government agencies. These sponsorships provide funding to the school funding and P&C Funds, which allows the school to improve the students' learning environment.

Scholastic Book Club

scholastic book club

Oatley Public School participates in Scholastic Book Club. Each order you make for your child, also earn free books and teaching materials for Oatley Public School.

Twice a term club, flyers are sent home filled with many award-winning books, as well as old and new favourites. The books span a wide range of children’s reading levels and interests. 

For more information, please visit the Scholastic website.

Return and Earn


Collect and return your empty cans and bottles to any Return and Earn machine and use the Return and Earn app to donate to the OPS P&C. 

10 cents from each eligible can and bottle will support P&C fundraising initiatives. 

Stuck on You labels

Stuck on You labels

The P&C have a fundraising partnership with Stuck on You labels where we receive 20% of proceeds on orders (5% on sale items). Perfect for labelling jackets and lunchboxes to make sure they don’t end up in lost property.

Follow this link to purchase: https://www.stuckonyou.com.au/affiliate/fundraiser/OATLEYPS

Enter our School code: OATLEYPS